We provide math-based decision support system that you, as a decision maker, can use to generate more profit and improve the processes performances. Whether you are struggling with the formulation of strategic decisions on planning future events or you wish to lend a hand to your staff in making short-time decisions on the execution of operations our tools and our specialist team can help you. ACT Operations Research’ name and brand is already familiar to large organizations of complex processes and large-scale systems. Standing beneath real investments in research, we build best-of-breed “decision support math-technology” which has been proving to stand out competing technologies from global players. We draw out the optimization potential of your operations while unleashing pent-up profit margins by embedding our solutions in your systems. What’s more, with us you refrain from taking unconscious risks as we model the behaviour of your systems imitating the real world ahead you play live with your business decisions. At ACT Operations Research, we strive to make the difference in this ever-increasing innovation demanding world working hard to reach a world’s leading position in advanced decision support systems built on optimization, simulation, forecasting and process control expertise.
ACT OR Last News
Dec 8-11, 2013 - ACT-OR speaker at WSC in Washington
2013 - ACT-OR Simulation Webinar
A different job! Choose ACT Operations Research! Send us your curriculum.
Opportunities @ACT OR

If you are about to come out from your engineering PhD, getting fluent in your field’s geek and want to relate academic subjects to the real world, we are happy to hear from you.


Whether your ambition is more “building a great product” than “changing the world”, you’ll have no choice but to combine creativity and ongoing research while asking the right questions and using the right techniques.


You will frame soft and hard problems faced by our clients, slice them into small pieces, turn these upside down, translate them into math and be coding your findings through new programming languages or those falling out of fashion.


We may be requested to figure out how to price off-the-shelf items, give direction to a fleet of coal or oil-laden vessels while navigating the ocean, tell when to enter the freight market and charter a ship, forecast currency pairs in forex markets or design the control room of a big oil plant.


In a typical workday you may find yourself sworming on-line with geo-spread ACT’s colleagues, visit customers or catch up with partners overseas. We work in a niche industry, a nerdy space. Our style is pretty informal even though we know how and when to be formal. Working with us is a life style, and at the end of the day, you will have chosen to build more skills rather than following a traditional career path.


Tell us your story and get out of the crowd: job@act-OperationsResearch.com



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BROCHURE - ACT Operations Research


We provide math-technology products and advanced solutions for:  
BEFORE! Predictive Analytics
The new generation of Forecasting Systems (Promo and Revenue Optimization)
BEFORE! Market Analytics
(KVI Analysis - Competitive Analysis - Category Efficiency Analysis)

OPT Shipping
Advanced deliveries planning engine
Design and simulate multilevel distribution network
OPT Runner
Trucks routing and scheduling optimization system
OPT Loading
3D container, truck and pallet loading optimization engine
OPT Vessel
Planning and scheduling of maritme transportation
OPT Warehouse
Math optimization suite for the warehouse process
NET Solver - RTD
Optimal dispatching in automatic warehouse!
The most used software for simulation projects
The new software for simulation projects
SCENARIO Navigator
Scenario analysis for simulations projects

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